
Hi! I’m currently pursuing my Ph.D. at MSU working in iPRoBe lab. Before that, I studied M.Sc. Computer Science at Chennai Mathematical Institute and M.Sc. Mathematics at IIT Guwahati. At CMI, I worked with Prof. KV and Madhavan Mukund studying the robustness properties of DNNs induced by prototypes.

My current research focuses on Facial Biometrics, specifically Morph Attach Detection (MAD) and Facial Demorphing. I am also interested in theoretical computer science, mainly graph theory. I’m continually seeking ways to integrate my application and theory interests, providing unique perspectives on deep learning.

Outside academia, I find joy in cooking (My Instagram), watching movies, and playing video games during my free time. Beyond that, I’m an enthusiastic hiker and hold a deep admiration for snowy mountains. If there’s anything specific you’d like to discuss or share, feel free to contact me!


  • Face Demorphing: Conditional Face Image Extraction From a Single Morph
  • Nitish Shukla, Arun Ross
    Under Review, 2024
  • Facial Demorphing via Identity Preserving Image Decomposition
  • Nitish Shukla, Arun Ross
    IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics(IJCB) FMADT-2024
  • SDeMorph++ : Extending to Unseen Faces
  • Nitish Shukla, Arun Ross
    PrePrint, 2024
  • Generating Adversarial Attacks in the Latent Space
  • Nitish Shukla, Sudipta Banerjee
    GCV, CVPR-2023
  • SDeMorph, Towards Better Facial Demorphing from Single Morph
  • Nitish Shukla
    IEEE International Joint Conference on Biometrics(IJCB) ADMA-2023


    PhD Intern

    May 2024 - Aug 2024
    Adobe Research

    -Working with MDSR team.

    Data Scientist II

    June 2022 - Aug 2023
    Micron Technology, Hyderabad

    -Responsible for the development and maintenance of a root cause identification pipeline capable of identifying defect-causing steps in the wafer development process.

    -Developed a synthetic data generation technique to generate visually realistic wafer images for fine-tuning.

    -Led team to file 3 patents and 2 publications.

    R&D Engineer

    2019 - 2020
    Next Education India Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad

    -Developed a handwriting recognition(HTR) system to produce transcripts of notes written on an electronic whiteboard.